It's 12:40 pm and our temperature is only 10. Two when we awoke this morning. It's supposed to be even colder tonight. The garden is brown and the bees are tight in their cluster. I hope the temperature warms over the next few days and I can see them flying again. I'll breathe a sigh of relief knowing they've made it through these extremely cold days and nights. The only thing green in the garden is the rosemary.
I'm going to order a mimosa tree and some horseradish from Stark Bro's this afternoon. One of my fondest childhood memories is the fragrance of the huge mimosa tree that grew in my grandparents yard. They had a big farm in Cleveland, Georgia and I loved it there. It broke my heart when they sold it. I was 16. I'm not sure how a mimosa will do in the mountains of WNC, but I'm going to give it a try. The catalogue says good in zones 5 - 10 and I'm in 6B. The hummingbirds will love it and hopefully the bees will, also.
I've grown horseradish before and although it can be invasive, I love the flavor of the freshly grated root. I'll give it a place of it's own to grow. I started a rhubarb bed last year, and the plants did quite well. Again, a dedicated bed because rhubarb is a long-lasting perennial.
I'm just rambling today because I'm bored. I think I'm going to have to learn to knit!
Pax Vobiscum
3 weeks ago
Your memory is good! I can't recall the Mimosa at all. The spring is one of the things I remember best. And the peonies in the side yard. Of course, that was before the old farm house was torn down and the new house was built. I drove by about four years ago and so much has been changed I hardly recognized it.
I know, I remember the spring, too. We were in Cleveland a couple of years ago and tried to find the place, but I didn't recognize anything and didn't have a clue how to get there. I'll get directions from you sometime.
yay knitting! any time you want to take it up, just say the word.
you make me want to start a garden, but i would probably just kill everything :(
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