After complaining about the rain all day yesterday, I was rewarded with this beautiful sunset last night. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the sky was a gorgeous shade of pink. Today the skies are bright blue, the temperature is 42 and the bees are out working and enjoying the mild air.
I bought seed for lettuce, cabbage, parsley, cilantro, broccoli and pansies this morning. I hope to get them started over the weekend. I also bought 2 peony plants. Well, not really plants, but the little bareroots that come in a bag. Maybe it's a rhizome. (Some master gardener, huh?) I've wanted to grow peonies for quite sometime, but just couldn't bring myself to spend $15 - $30 dollars for a plant. I'll do some research this afternoon and find the proper name for what I bought and what to do with them. I know peonies need deep soil and room to grow, so I should be able to find a good home for them. I planted some small rhubarb plants last year, not knowing what to expect, and they did great. I moved them in the fall and this morning I pushed back the mulch and saw some nice red buds poking through the soil. There's a lot of life under all that brown.
Pax Vobiscum
3 weeks ago