I know we are suffering from severe drought in the mountains, but it has been raining heavily all day and it's depressing. The good news is that the past weekend was fairly mild and the bees were out and also taking sugar syrup from the boardman feedeer. I know the boardman is not the preferred way of feeding for a lot of people, but it has worked well for me. Every time the weather is nice enough for the bees to be flying, they are very actively feeding. I checked the grease patty yesterday and I don't think they are eating any of it. Looks like our weather will be mid-40's after this rain moves out and at that temperature my bees are always busy. When I lifted the inner cover to check the grease patty, I'm pretty sure I saw capped honey in a few of the frames of the shallow super. As soon as we have a mild day, I'm going to pull out a frame and inspect more closely.
I have gotten involved in a new garden project that I'm really excited about. I'm going to be supervising a group of 5th graders at the Boy's and Girls's Club with a program called Harvest Project. There is a nice garden plot at the Club and this group of kids, with the help of adult volunteers, will plan, plant, water, weed and harvest. The kids will get to choose what they want to plant - vegetables, herbs, flowers, etc. They will get to decide what they want to do with their harvest. Some ideas would be to plan a dinner at the Club for parents, sell at a local tailgate market, or show at the fair in September. The local 4-H agent is also going to be involved. Our first meeting with the kids is scheduled for February 23. Our goal is to start spring vegetables, weather permitting, March 15. To follow our progress I've set up a blog. The web-site is
One of the goals I've set for myself this year is to start more plants from seed. This weekend I'm going to start some lettuce, cabbage, kale and cilantro. I have a spot on my potting bench in the garage that should work well. The garage is heated and there are fluorescent lights above the bench. I'll plant enough seeds for myself and for the kids to get started with at the Boy's and Girl's Club.