Experience is a brutal teacher. But you learn, my God, do you learn.

-C.S. Lewis

Stream In January

Stream In January

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dinner From The Garden

The new potatoes, boiled and covered in butter and parsley, were delicious. The lettuce has been beautiful this year. The temperature has barely reached 80 yet so it hasn't bolted. The green beans I served came from last year's garden. I love to can. Hopefully, the fresh honey will come soon. Walter Bee is doing quite well.


vicree said...

How fun is it to have veggies fresh from the garden! I too, had my first red potatoes this week and they were soooo good. Along with snap beans, onions, cukes and strawberries for dessert they tasted like summer.

Bee Magic Chronicles for Kids said...

My Dad does a large farm garden and we all benefit from his work. It keeps him fit in retirement to be physically active and we eat home grown organic food.

Later this year we'll have honey too becuase we finally got our bees.

Paul said...

Nice! Last weekend I smoked a brisket and served garden fresh snap beans with squash stir fried in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Mom and Dad was over for the meal. Fun.

Lynn said...

See everybody next week. We've tons of company for the weekend. Hope the thunderstorms don't ruin my picnic. Have a great weekend.