Experience is a brutal teacher. But you learn, my God, do you learn.

-C.S. Lewis

Stream In January

Stream In January

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rhubarb In The Rain

After 2 days of wet weather, I was itching to play in the dirt this morning, so during a break in the rain I decided to fertilize my rhubarb. Ideally to get the most out of your plants, fertilize 3 times during the year. In the early spring, (March or April) is a good time before any growth begins and this I had done earlier when I applied some compost. Fertilize again just after the growth appears and at the end of the harvest season. The fertilizer should be worked well into the top of the soil and watered in. Compost on top will provide food over the dormant period in the winter. I sprinkled blood meal around each plant and watered in with some fish emulsion. I then spread a bucketful of compost around each plant and mulched with hay. I hope I didn't put up a "Diner Open" sign to the bears with the fish emulsion. I'll be very careful with it's use this year because I don't want to attract bears to Walter Bee. These are my 3 lovely plants. I'll follow their growth with my camera.

I have a recipe for an orange-rhubarb quick bread that I want to try with my first harvest. I'll pass the recipe along if the bread is good!

1 comment:

vicree said...

Lovely plants! Almost made me want to grow some for myself, but I finally decided that I have enough to look after already. However, I will be happy to have the bread recipe or in case you come this way unand want to share some, to "help" you eat it.